The Solo Guitar of Stephen Wall

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At an early age Stephen exhibited a keen interest in music when his mother gave him an old push button accordion. He taught himself to play numerous songs on this instrument but the accordion wasn't the instrument that he would call his own. That didn't happen until he was 14 years old and his older brother Gerald began playing the guitar. Stephen heard it and fell in love with the sound of the guitar. 


So at the age of 14 he began his journey of self teaching and went into the Classical and Flamenco categories. His main Influences have been Chet Atkins, Jose Feliciano and Los Indios Tabajaras. So book after book and playing with other guitarists was essentially how Stephen taught himself to play.  


          Stephen has taught the beginner and intermediate level guitar at the Maritime Music Academy in Eastern Canada and has played at lounges/cafes, numerous indoor and outdoor functions as well as coffee houses in the Niagara Region. He also has recently completed writing an instruction book called "Solo Guitar".



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